eBook Four: Recovering from Infidelity

In this ebook, we share our best “medicine”, our time-tested recommendations for restoring your stability and sanity as you make your way out of the fog of betrayal trauma. We discuss the importance of time away from the chaos, and help you determine the who/what/how's of telling your story to gain support. This ebook contains our favorite techniques for self-nurturance, and how to honor your anger, grief and other strong emotions.
We address the topic of support groups, therapy or coaching for your own healing and we share our perspectives on couples counseling in the face of repeated betrayals. We walk you through how to create your own healing team and provide instruction on our potent methods for learning detachment- plus, why it's so vital to your sanity. We detail the numerous healing modalities that have gained us, and later, our clients, the most healing.
This is the ebook you'll want when you're ready to prioritize your own healing, get yourself grounded with solid tools, helpful suggestions and encouragement to start putting one foot in front of the other to reclaim your life. It is also appropriate for those further along the road, those who want suggestions on what else they can do to deepen their remediation of betrayal trauma.