
fern leaves

We are always appreciative of our loyal readers and we take an interest in how they are doing!
And while we do our best to read all the correspondence we receive, the demands on our professional time and energy leave us unable to respond to every e-mail personally or we would be working around the clock.
We understand that you have many pressing questions about your own situation, which is exactly why we offer our time as professional Consultants and Coaches.

If you are interested in setting up time for a private one-to-one session with either Lili or Cassie, please make sure you have read through the Support page and the FAQ page. Many of your questions will be answered there.

If you’re ready to schedule your consultation or coaching session, please e-mail us at and give us an idea of 2 or 3 dates plus windows of time for those dates that might work well for you to have a session, including what country and time zone you are in. On our end, we will find an optimal time that corresponds to your schedule preferences and respond to you within a few hours. We can usually accommodate session requests within the same week, sometimes even sooner. We know that when crisis hits, it can be so helpful to speak with someone as soon as possible.

Sometimes partners find it helpful to write out and send their stories; certainly other partners learn and can relate from reading them.  If you would like to submit your story for possible inclusion into the Partners Stories page, please keep it to under 750 words, edit it for proper grammar and write in the subject line: For Partners Stories.
We reserve the right to print stories (or not) at our discretion without contacting the sender first.
We do not have the time to respond to e-mails asking the status of any Partners Story we may have received from you-- we apologize ahead of time.

If you’d like to submit a question for the Your Questions Answered feature, please keep it to a maximum of 500 words, with good grammar/ punctuation.
(We reserve the right to use/ print questions submitted for this purpose and we change the identifying details of your story to protect anonymity.
We’re sorry we won’t have time to respond to requests on the status of your Question, once submitted. But we hope you’re signed up for the e-mail list so you’ll be apprised of new questions being answered).

We welcome your music/ song recommendations for our What We're Listening To page. Thank you!
Please write in the subject line: What We're Listening To
Please keep in mind PoSARC is a secular site, so your fave religious songs will have to stay private or shared with your friends.

If you are writing for permission to use our site for posting surveys, questionnaires or anything related to research you may be doing, please know we do not have the staffing here to accommodate the request.

PLEASE NOTE: PoSARC is a small, grass-roots group of women, not an agency with staffing. We self-fund this site and volunteer our own time to create the content because it is our passion to help partners.

Please be aware that email communication can be intercepted in transmission or misdirected. Your use of email to communicate confidential information to us indicates that you acknowledge and accept the possible risks associated with such communication.

PoSARC Heart If you’ve read anything that inspired you here today, please consider making a small donation to keep this site up and running and free of annoying ads