
Legalese for making sure you know that you're the captain of your own ship and ultimately, you are responsible for the choices you make and the actions you take (or don't take).
Release of Liability
PoSARC is an educational site designed to help you help yourself. We offer our experiences, insights and our skills as Coaches so that you may embrace healing from the devastation that being partnered with a sex addict/compulsive often brings with it. While our Coaches have all agreed to complete formal coaching certification, specializing in both addiction and relationship coaching and stand competent to help you explore complex issues related to your recovery from living with a sex addict/compulsive, we are not licensed to manage mental health and do not offer advice that is intended to do so.
—We at PoSARC always attempt to observe the strict differences between coaching responsibilities and counseling. Our goal is to provide coaching that is solely intended to help others to find, learn and apply sound healing principles into their lives, striving always to maintain objective observations and feedback. Towards that end, we utilize a broad variety of learning tools and techniques that help guide you towards your own inner resources.
—We at PoSARC recognize and it is imperative that you understand and acknowledge that it is your own responsibility to manage your mental health. This includes necessary testing and availing yourself of outside support, such as the services of a licensed therapist or support group. Coaching supplements rather than replaces these other support systems.
—We at PoSARC are not licensed to diagnose or treat any mental health disorders. If the need becomes obvious to us, we will share our general opinions and encourage you to seek counseling with a licensed health professional.
—In the event you are under the care of a licensed mental health professional and any conflict arises between their recommendations and those of a Coach here at PoSARC, it is your responsibility to follow the guidance of your licensed mental health professional. Should any conflict in judgment occur, we will always defer to their judgment. In the event their judgment as represented by you appears to be harmful to you, we will encourage you to confront them for an explanation.
—We at PoSARC do not offer professional counseling in any form. Because sex addiction and the relationships between compulsives/addicts and their loved ones can be so highly complex, the distinction between coaching and counseling can sometimes blur. If our coaches realize at any time that they may have crossed that line and as humans it sometimes can occur, you may expect them to honestly admit that and help you resolve any resulting issues with your licensed professional counselor. Additionally, please contact us immediately if you feel your Coach has crossed that line.
Our Policies
All correspondence with PoSARC (including e-mail addresses) will be kept in strictest confidence and not released to anyone else, except if:
- You are expressing homicidal or suicidal thoughts.
- You state that you or your partner are currently engaging in felony behavior that victimizes others, such as child molestation, child pornography, rape, etc.
Copyright and Technical Information
All of the information offered on PoSARC's website is copyright-protected and the copyrights, trademarks, service marks and logos contained therein are owned by or licensed to PoSARC, or used by permission and subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws and international conventions. You are free to use this information for your own personal use, including copying it to your personal computer for home use. You may reference any information you find on PoSARC on other sites if you feel it might be helpful/ relevant. However, you may not reproduce or reference any of the information found on PoSARC in any professional capacity without our express prior written consent.
Posarc Refund/Cancellation Policy
We at Posarc strive to provide you with valuable information, tools and services.
If you have purchased a Coaching session with Posarc or have unused sessions remaining with a discount pack, you may be refunded in full for any unused sessions as long as there has not been a violation in scheduling protocol (i.e., if you were scheduled for an appointment and did not notify us within policy guidelines that you were unable to keep the appointment).
The downloadable materials are non-refundable.
We appreciate that life holds lots of unforeseen circumstances which may result in a sudden change of plans for you. Since we've reserved your Coaching session time for you we ask that you notify us via e-mail of any changes 24 hours prior to your session, so as to avoid being charged for the missed session. Thank you, Team PoSARC
General Hold Harmless/Indemnification
By utilizing the Posarc website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Posarc of and from all claims, actions, causes of action, and losses, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs, arising out of or in any way related to any matter and/or endeavor undertaken by you hereunder, including but not limited to forming a group, setting up group meetings, distributing or providing materials obtained from the Posarc website, or conveying information derived from anywhere on the Posarc website or related to Posarc, to the extent any such claims, actions, causes of action, and losses are not directly occasioned by Posarc's willful or criminal wrongdoing.