Hidden Sexual Behaviors


Learning about your Betraying Partner's hidden sexual behaviors can leave you wondering how to even discern what he may have tried to obscure from you. What else might be hidden there? Why didn't I find this before now? What are the signs of potential problems he may have with sexual behaviors? What are the trickiest symptoms you might be having trouble deciphering? Are these symptoms signs of deeper issues, and if so, how would you learn about those?

We understand no faithful partner wants an education in all the many ways a mate can practice infidelity. It can feel overwhelming as we feel forced to learn about aspects of human sexual behaviors we never knew existed, especially in the technology age. We wrote an e-booklet outlining the signs to look for, how they might manifest, and the differences between online pornography addiction and the other sexually problematic behaviors. Please note: while we were comprehensive, we do not get graphic in our descriptions. To learn more about our Hidden Sexual Behaviors e-book, click here.

Or get all five ebooks for $19.95


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