A Partner's Bill Of Rights
I have the right to be treated with respect and dignity
I have the right to feel and express my anger responsibly
I have the right to honor all my feelings
I have the right to expect full honesty in my relationship
I have the right to have proof that I am safe from STD infection in my relationship
I have the right to follow my own values and standards for myself
I have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others
I have the right to have my needs be as important as the needs of others
I have the right to ask for help; doing everything by myself is not mandatory!
I have the right to ask why or why not
I have the right to say no and not feel guilty
I have the right to be in a non-abusive environment
I have the right to determine my own priorities
I have the right to leave my relationship if my safety or wellbeing are compromised
I have the right to a fulfilling sex life
I have the right to physical affection in my relationship
I have the right to decide how long I stay invested in my relationship if change isn't happening
I have the right to take as long as I need to grieve