
Listening to music can be an incredibly cathartic experience, helping open us up to emotions we might not otherwise allow ourselves to feel:

Empowering us to get angry when we would normally stuff that anger down
Helping us cry when we are too numb to even feel anything
Giving us the energy to get out of bed and get ourselves moving again
Powering us through the struggles we have yet to get through
Celebrating a good hour or two when the sadness lifts and we can start to see a glimmer of light at the end of our tunnel 
Cherishing the us-we-are-becoming as Survivors
Integrating the hard-won insights we've earned and moving more into our wise-women selves

Please enjoy the songs we will keep selecting for you...
May you allow their medicine to help you heal from your betrayal experiences….

Rachel Patten
Fight Song Fight Song Rachel Patten

Meghan Trainor
Your Lips Are Moving Your Lips Are Moving Meghan Trainor

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