POSA™ Blog

PoSARC or The Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center educates, nurtures and helps partners work with the challenges of being coupled with a sexually deceptive, chronic cheater.

Winter Newsletter

Hello Dear PoSARC Readers,

While you're holed up trying to stay warm during these wintry days, we thought it would be a fine time to share what we're up to here at PoSARC. Besides being glad for the new energy of this year's beginning, we have an exciting project or three underway which we'll be unveiling during the coming months. 

In the meantime we're writing our new projects and working with the challenges women share with us via our coaching work, as well as in our commenting community on social media and e-mails we receive. And speaking of our community, we didn't want to wait till the end of this newsletter to offer a heartfelt thank you to those who have generously contributed to our work via donations over the holidays.
Besides serving to remind us that our work is hitting a chord for our readers and meeting a need in the world, these financial gifts keep us creating videos, writing new content, connecting with our readers and running our website without ads, sponsorship or the need to endorse various therapists or "sex addiction" centers. That independence is vital to our voices remaining as authentic as possible here. 

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