POSA™ Blog

PoSARC or The Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center educates, nurtures and helps partners work with the challenges of being coupled with a sexually deceptive, chronic cheater.

New Survivor's Series video interview with Dr. Susan K.

Happy Almost Spring, dear Readers!

We have less than two weeks left until the official start of spring begins, even though for many of us, this winter was exceptionally mild. Nonetheless, we're eager to get our garden started and to welcome the longer days of sunlight. 

Today we have a new video episode for you as part of our Survivor's Series. In it, we'll be interviewing an especially articulate and self-reflective survivor, Dr. Susan K as she speaks about her experiences in her covertly injurious long-term marriage and ...what finally changed for her.

As she says in our interview:

"You are stronger than you think you are.
You have more power than you think you do.
Your life is going to change...and you're going to be happy again.
You're going to be at peace again. I didn't think I'd ever find peace again".

We think you'll agree that Dr. K possesses tremendous courage and tenacity which is why we thoughther story would inspire our readers to take heart and prioritize their own well-being no matter what is happening at home.

As ever, if anything you've heard or seen here rings true for you, or allows a submerged insight to come to light, please share with our other readers in the Comments section. We'e all learning together here!

If we were fortunate enough to have received a donation from you for our video series, we thank you!
We are glad you realize how valuable a website with no annoying ads is, especially one that operates independent of any treatment models, practitioners or centers. 

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Survivors Series Episode 5

​Greetings, and happy almost-February! Hopefully you're settling into the quiet, more introspective days of winter and allowing the stillness of the season to nourish you. We are taking advantage of the shorter days and longer nights, too, by working on a new website with all original, fresh content that we're feeling pretty keen about. But until we unveil that to you all, we want to share our next Survivor's Series Episode.

This new episode focuses on Amy, a wife and mother of two young children who discusses her hopes for her marriage, her brave attempts to keep her family together even as her heart was broken, what was really going on underneath the supposed signs of "progress" in his therapy, and how she made the decision to make a decision. 
Along the way there was treatment-induced-trauma, too, which can be terribly confusing to sort out since you're there thinking that specialized therapists are the experts, right? His shingle says so, and we're always told Trust the Process.... 

Episode 5: Part 1

Episode 5: Part 2

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When the Holidays are Hard

Losing a marriage or long-term relationship (or even contemplating the loss of the union we thought we were in) is always difficult, but the holidays can make it feel even more so. Gathering around a candle-lit dinner table to partake of a specially-cooked meal, watching excited youngsters open their gifts, hearing holiday music, seeing festive decorations everywhere, all of it can underscore exactly how different this year will be from years past. Dread can seep in just thinking about how much it's all going to hurt if we're having a difficult time this season.

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Survivor’s Series, Episode 4 is Ready!

In the tiny lull between Thanksgiving and before the impending holiday frenzy really kicks in, we wanted to share our next Survivor's Series episode with you, our readers. And because we received a fair amount of feedback from those of you who preferred the audio-only format of our last episode as it enabled you to multi-task while listening, we wanted to say that even though our new episode is a video, it's just as easy to hit PLAY on your phone and simply listen to it in the car, while making dinner or whatever else you're busy with. 

Either way, we think you'll agree it was well worth your time.
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Survivor's Series- Episode 3 is ready!

As the last month of summer continues to bless us with warm days and abundant gardens and the kids head back to school, we are excited to offer another episode of our Survivor's Series. These are the actual accounts of real women who reclaimed their lives once they freed themselves from the Intimate Partner Abuse that chronic infidelity, in all its many forms, engenders. We've written about cheating as a form of narcissistic abuse, as well, since it is the common component in recurrent infidelity.   

When we first launched this Survivor Series, we explained why we felt it was so important to help validate and honor the brave women who had found a way out of the constant anxiety and eventual erosion of self-trust and self-esteem they had come to live with while staying with a chronic cheater, often called a "sex addict". Here's that earlier post: https://www.posarc.com/blog/new-survivor-series-video
In today's new episode (which is audio only, so you can listen while you drive, cook dinner, relax, etc.), you'll hear me interview Sandra, a professional woman with two young children, married for over a decade. Her words reflect the painstaking discovery process, the slow crawl out of the trauma and the patience needed to arrive at the truth she found for herself in the end, all of which she articulates with keen reflective abilities and spiritual generosity. Many of us can relate to the empathic approach she took towards her husband's hurtful behaviors when she says:

"My personality is more about making things right, fixing things and getting them to work (in my marriage) ...but there's a downside to that: I had to learn to let go and stop trying to fix."

In addition to the valuable insights and lessons from Sandra's story, take note of the somewhat surprising circumstance under which she finally arrived at her decision to create a better life for herself and her children. 

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Partner's Retreat in Georgia

 Hi Friends and Colleagues - 

I'm not sure if everyone saw my colleague, trauma therapist Tania Rochelle's blog post about the successful Partner's Retreat she just finished in Ohio? If you didn't catch it, click here to read what the Retreat was like for her and for the women who attended the sold-out event.

Tania's now ready to head up her next Partner's Retreat, this time in the gorgeous northern Georgia mountains. Included in this retreat will be a 60 minute follow-up session with me, Lili Bee, after the Retreat is finished, either via phone, videoconference or in person if you happen to live in NYC. I will help you integrate your learnings so you can transition back into your day-to-day life with a solidified sense of clarity about what's important to you going forward. Retreats are potent times for new truths to surface, older knowings to find a more comfortable place inside and/or to finally springboard some changes, large or small, that need to happen for your well-being. And of course, Retreats are the best at providing the in-person support specific to your own story that you can't easily find elsewhere for multiple days. I'm as honored to be part of this process for the attendees as I have been in the past ten-plus years working with partners.​
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On Sex Addiction....and our own addictions

Are the behavioral patterns we see in chronic betrayers attributable to addiction and nothing else? When colleagues gather here, we often find ourselves wondering whether the term "addiction" is even an accurate one, and/or what else might be going on?

Certainly in the early days right after Discovery, we partners just needed the lying and cheating to stop and complicated-sounding diagnostic terms just addled our trauma-stunned brains further. "Just fix him!", we pleaded, and sure enough, there was a vast array of addiction counselors/therapists claiming the men to be "very sick sex addicts". 

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New Healing Retreats for Partners!

Two weeks left of winter and we are bursting at the seams to unveil a brand new resource for partners that we are thrilled to share with you all!

If any of you have purchased the set of ebooks I co-wrote with my colleague, Cassie Kingan, you may recall that in ebook four, Recovering from Infidelity, we list twenty four active-healing suggestions that I personally found were the most helpful to me in the aftermath of Discovery. We also offer these recommendations to our own private coaching clients and have received positive feedback about them.

Before we tell you which of our recommendations occupies the number one position at the top of our list, it feels important to say: For me (Lili), going to a 50-minute therapy session once or twice a week just wasn't doing much to help hold me together when my world was blown to bits by the discovery of my partner's secret life.
Going home afterwards and facing my partner's moodiness, rages or stonewalling when I needed to talk, pretty effectively un-did all the calm I had just spent fifty minutes gaining.
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