POSA™ Blog

PoSARC or The Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center educates, nurtures and helps partners work with the challenges of being coupled with a sexually deceptive, chronic cheater.
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Survivors Series Episode 5

​Greetings, and happy almost-February! Hopefully you're settling into the quiet, more introspective days of winter and allowing the stillness of the season to nourish you. We are taking advantage of the shorter days and longer nights, too, by working on a new website with all original, fresh content that we're feeling pretty keen about. But until we unveil that to you all, we want to share our next Survivor's Series Episode.

This new episode focuses on Amy, a wife and mother of two young children who discusses her hopes for her marriage, her brave attempts to keep her family together even as her heart was broken, what was really going on underneath the supposed signs of "progress" in his therapy, and how she made the decision to make a decision. 
Along the way there was treatment-induced-trauma, too, which can be terribly confusing to sort out since you're there thinking that specialized therapists are the experts, right? His shingle says so, and we're always told Trust the Process.... 

Episode 5: Part 1

Episode 5: Part 2

Well beyond that, though, are the lessons contained in this experience that can easily be gleaned if you're interested in learning to more readily identify what goes wrong when covert abuse isn't recognized; Amy's story could easily be a case study.

As she so eloquently puts it in the second half of this two-part Series:

"I really struggled with the idea I was abused. No - I'm an independent woman, I'm educated, I'm a professional -- I probably had a very narrow viewpoint of what an abused woman looks like."

But survive she eventually does, and you'll have to watch the video to hear what lessons she hopes other women who may feel trapped can take away from her story.

We think you'll agree that the equanimity and even moments of light-heartedness with which she tells her story reflects a woman steadfastly committed to her own and her family's well-being. The grace she exhibits even when talking about her experiences left us feeling very grateful for the privilege of interviewing her.

We hope you'll be similarly inspired and we'd love it if you shared any of your own resonance to what Amy shares, in the Comments section below. 

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