Hi Friends and Colleagues -
I'm not sure if everyone saw my colleague, trauma therapist Tania Rochelle's blog post about the successful Partner's Retreat she just finished in Ohio? If you didn't catch it, click here to read what the Retreat was like for her and for the women who attended the sold-out event.POSA™ Blog
Two weeks left of winter and we are bursting at the seams to unveil a brand new resource for partners that we are thrilled to share with you all!
If any of you have purchased the set of ebooks I co-wrote with my colleague, Cassie Kingan, you may recall that in ebook four, Recovering from Infidelity, we list twenty four active-healing suggestions that I personally found were the most helpful to me in the aftermath of Discovery. We also offer these recommendations to our own private coaching clients and have received positive feedback about them.Before we tell you which of our recommendations occupies the number one position at the top of our list, it feels important to say: For me (Lili), going to a 50-minute therapy session once or twice a week just wasn't doing much to help hold me together when my world was blown to bits by the discovery of my partner's secret life.
Going home afterwards and facing my partner's moodiness, rages or stonewalling when I needed to talk, pretty effectively un-did all the calm I had just spent fifty minutes gaining.
Whether the betrayer is in our past or we are still wondering whether change is possible for them, this gorgeous poem written by Nobel prize- winning poet and playwright Derek Walcott (b. January 23, 1930—) feels tailor-made to give comfort to hurting partners. We offer it here to inspire you to stay the course of welcoming yourselves home.
The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,